Welcome to the FSM-ALAM Official Website
By joining FSM-ALAM, you are joining a community who represent and advocate the interests of libraries, archives, museums and information professionals in the Federated States of Micronesia. Take advantage of the Association’s programs, training, networks, and resources.
Membership Term:
FSM-ALAM membership is based on fiscal year. Subscription fees are due annually on 1st October and membership expires on 31st September of each year.
For membership enquiries, please email fsmalam@gmail.com.
Membership Categories and Fees:
A. There shall be two categories of membership: Institutional and Individual
Institutional membership is open to all agencies, corporations. organizations, and the like that supports or are in sympathy with the purposes and programs of FSM-ALAM. Institutional members can be public and private elementary and secondary libraries, public libraries. COM-FSM national and state libraries, and other special libraries.
Individual membership is open to all individual persons who support or are in sympathy with the purposes and programs of FSM-ALAM.
To become a member, Please print and fill-up this Membership Form. Do read up on membership categories and annual fees before signing up. and send it to the email or mail address on the form.
Membership of the Association is open to all library, archive, and museum professionals and any person or institution interested in libraries, archieves, and museums. Benfefits enjoy as a member include:
The Newsletter and/or FSM-ALAM listserv;
The opportunity for you to plan an active role in the development of your profession and FSM-ALAM's library Services;
Free information, advice & network through FSM-ALAM ListServ;
Scholarship Opportunities.
Is your membership up-to-date?
Be the first one to Renew you
Membership Status.
L-R: President: Atarino Helieisar (Pohnpei), Secretary: Erica Ruwepin (Yap), Treasurer: Devine Lokopwe (Chuuk), and Michael Williams (Kosrae)